Keck Stage 2019 – Urbane Klänge
Art-Special im Keck Kiosk am Mittwoch 12.Juni 2019 ab 19h mit
Jakub Slomkovski (Poland)
Der Polnische Künstler und Musiker Jakub Slomkowski zeigt zum Art Special eine Musikperformance beim Keck Kiosk. Die Musikperformance steht in Verbindung zu seiner Einzelausstellung im unabhängigen Ausstellungsraum kunsthallekleinbasel.
kunsthallekleinbasel (artist-run space Basel)
kunsthallekleinbasel is an independent and noncommercial artist-run initiative. Founded in 2014 the initiative was located in an inhabited apartment in Basel (Switzerland) where over 40 one-day exhibitions took place focussing on the presence of the artists and collective experience. The project operates self-supporting and focuses on the cooperation between freelance artists, photographers, educators and writers. The project was founded and is run by the artist, curator and educator Jasmin Glaab.